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Showing posts from October, 2019

Blue Team project

Following on from last weeks blog post, my team and I have finally made contact and decided to create a group chat on Facebook as its easier for everyone to communicate on that social media platform. We introduced ourselves and got to know one another. I learned that two of the girls were currently studying Interior Design in 3rd year and Katie was in 1st year of Creative and Cultural Industries. We roughly discussed the brief together and highlighted anything we weren't sure on. I have included a little brief about the team project below. "Consider how you might address the problems facing society while earning a living and living your lives. Do you accept the premise of the World Scientists? Can you see ways in which it is possible to work for a more sustainable engagement with our planet?" In our groups we have been asked to present our findings in a engaging, fun and knowledgeable way in any format we wish as long as it can be saved and viewed in the future. I

Team Spirit

Class three was all about discussing team work and collaboration as we have a team project coming up and its important everyone on the team works together and faces challenges as a team. I was assigned to the 'Blue Team' along with Lllh2, Amelia and katiedoyle. Although my team haven't met up yet to discuss rough work for the team project I have reached out to them via email. In my opinion the reason I think my team haven't collaborated together yet is because of the lack of known identities. We are students in the same university but we are all studying in different courses using usernames and not our real names to participate in Virtual Environments. I am excited to start working on the group project with other team members to listen to their input on the topic given. Although communication is not impossible my team have yet to meet up but hopefully next week we can introduce ourselves and start working together as a team! Using online tools/platforms to communica

Becoming friendly with SecondLife

The last time I explored destinations they were very remote and deserted so this time I decided to explore places full of life! In today's blog-post I will document my experiences after  meeting three other avatars in this virtual reality world, I chose destinations that had a few people already there as my experiences would be more interesting and memorable. Fig 1: Alik98 enjoys the ferris wheel. Japan, Hiroba.  Of course I had to visit this place! The destination was by far the most interesting. At this destination I met another avatar and we had a nice chat about who we were and why we were both on SecondLife. She explained to me she struggles with anxiety and felt SecondLife was the place she could come to, to interact with others as she struggles in real life. We explored Hiroba together and even sat on the Ferris wheel for a few moments, enjoying the destination from 50ft above.  Backdrop City. I expected this place to be a lively spot but instead it seemed lik