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Showing posts from December, 2019

Our world is slowly dying

Fig 1: Anthropocene. Firstly what is Anthropocene? It relates to or denotes the current geographical age, it is viewed as the period during which human activity has been a dominant influence on the climate and environment. Our major project was focused on how we as humans can improve the planet. It is important to note the heavy impact humans have on the planet and our planet is now suffering as a result. As we slowly start to make changes to our everyday lifestyles whether its going vegan, thrifting, carpooling or house sharing these changes can aid the planet for the positive. Humans have dominant influence on the world we live in. Recent studies have shown that: Species are becoming extinct 100 times faster than they would without human impacts.  Due to industry's we work in agriculture and fossil fuel use is producing high amounts of carbon dioxide resulting in seas and rivers becoming dead zones.  Global warming is causing glaciers to melt, sea levels are rising

I'm a content produser?

Fig 1: Produsage.  After reading this weeks readings I learnt that I am a content produser and in fact everyone is a content produser in some way. I learnt that anything we choose to interact with and decide to change existing content online makes us content produsers. Such things may include blog posts, Memes, fan fiction or art. Not that hard to understand right? That leads me to think what was my role as a content produser in the context of the major project for this module? I think my role as a content produser was thinking of a particular topic that I was interested in as my contribution to the project. I chose to research fast fashion and sustainable fashion and conversed with my group and everyone was happy with my choice. We discussed multiple topics beforehand but decided we were happy with the topics we chose and helped each other elaborate on key points we were coming up with. I read the projects brief again and thought to myself 'How can millennial's